
Akıllı Telefon Bitcoin Madenciliği Nasıl Yapılır | Android Btc Mining

Bu videoda android tabanlı akıllı telefonlarda Bitcoin madenciliği nasıl yapılır adım adım bu videoda sizlere anlatıyorum Not: Vkbit havuzu telefonların hashrate düşük olduğu için artık göstermiyor, başka pool kullanabilirsiniz. https://vkbit.com/ havuzunu kullanacağız. In app commands : 2: termux-setup-storage 3: apt-get update 4: apt-get upgrade -y 5: apt-get install wget -y 6: apt-get install openssl-tool -y 7: apt-get install proot -y 8: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EXALAB/AnLinux-Resources/master/Scripts/Installer/Ubuntu/ubuntu.sh && bash ubuntu.sh 9: ./start-ubuntu.sh ; su 10: apt-get update 11: apt-get upgrade -y 12: apt install git -y 13: apt install proot -y 14: apt-get install automake autoconf pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev libssl-dev libgmp-dev zlib1g-dev make g++ 15: git clone https://github.com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multi 16: cd cpuminer-multi 17: ./build-linux-arm.sh 18: Start cpuminer : ./cpuminer -o stratum+tcp://pool.vkbit.com:3333 -u [bitcoin_address].[workername] -p x -a sha256d -R 10 Or with thread limitation ( -t 2 ) how many threads (depending on how many CPUs you have on your device) ./cpuminer -o stratum+tcp://pool.vkbit.com:3333 -u [bitcoin_address].[workername] -p x -a sha256d -R 10 -t 2 Next thing is to monitor your miner on our website https://vkbit.com App can run in background, if you want to quit press CTRL + c Hiveos referans link https://hiveos.farm?ref=211448 Üye olurken promo kod kısmına burakdemiralp yazarsanız 10 dolar hediye kazanırsınız Binance Referans kodu : CPA_00KAV0UBUW Link: https://www.binance.com/tr/activity/referral/offers/claim?ref=CPA_00KAV0UBUW Trbinance Referans kodu: SF97H42D Link: https://www.trbinance.com/account/signup?ref=SF97H42D

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