
7 ways to earn free crypto

How to earn crypto for free without any investment? Yes, it's possible if you join a community and add value to it. So if you want to know how do people earn crypto without money, I'll show you one of the ways with Forecaster and $Degen. Timestamps: 00:00 How to earn crypto for free 00:31 How to get started earning Degen 01:33 How to get tips on Farcaster 04:10 Win the lotto with Powerbald 06:58 Drakula short form videos 07:49 Perl XYZ 09:16 Earn with BountyCaster and other bounties 🔗 https://www.degen.tips/ 🔗 https://warpcast.com/~/invite-page/212930?id=d8b07187 🔗 Twitter: https://twitter.com/fullvaluedan 🔗 https://drakula.app/user/fullvaluedan?invite=qcfKjd 🔗 Full Value Referral Links: https://airtable.com/shrMmgI2ljeugMbQX BIGGEST DEGEN Tippers: https://dune.com/matt90/degen-tipping-dashboard Big thanks to Mateusz for the DUNE dashboard. Follow him on Farcaster: https://warpcast.com/matt90 Nothing in this video is financial advice. Please do enough research to form your own opinion. Disclaimer: Some links may be affiliate/referral links where I would earn a commission. [Scam Warning] All comments/replies that lead you to Whatsapp, Telegram, Instagram is going to be a scam. Please be careful and never trust anyone with your personal information, including me (because it might be a scammer). #Dan #degen #crypto

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