
Real Bitcoin rally is about to start for the next 300 days!!

Welcome back to Aimstone channel. In today's video we will take a look at the bitcoin market, top bitcoin news and overall economy. ================================================== ➤ Ledger hardware wallets: https://shop.ledger.com/?r=04173b7b371e ================================================== ➤ Business inquiries: astakhiv@yahoo.com ➤ Shop Aimstone Merch: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7S9sRXUBrtF0nKTvLY3fwg/store =================================================== ➤ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Aimstone5 ➤ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andriy_nyc/?hl=en =================================================== 💰Get a Coinbase Wallet! - https://www.coinbase.com/join/5a4bf25... Sign up! =================================================== ➤ Plan B NEW interview: https://youtu.be/VrWhRIorqUM ➤ Rate cuts already started: https://youtu.be/o54xXELDGNM ➤ PLAN b has lost Everything: https://youtu.be/CBHnl4l0XzY ===================================================

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