How Bitcoin will hit $1M by 2030 ► Where I Buy Bitcoin: https://gemini.sjv.io/1E3dz ► How I went from Zero To A Million: https://www.zerotoamillion.com ► My Stock Portfolio + Stock Tracker: https://www.patreon.com/andreijikh ► Get 2 FREE stocks valued up to $1850 (when you deposit $100): https://act.webull.com/kol-us/share.html?hl=en&inviteCode=QhhB1aDNwEDP ► MY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/9TVPxj73Bb ► ROBINHOOD (Get 1 Stock When You Sign Up): https://robinhood.c3me6x.net/c/1980551/671816/10402 ► Open A Roth IRA: https://m1finance.8bxp97.net/c/1980551/696710/10646 ► Follow Me On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andreijikh/ ► How I Protect My Bitcoin: https://shop.ledger.com/pages/ledger-nano-x?r=535643c13ab0 My PO Box: Andrei Jikh 4132 S. Rainbow Blvd # 270 Las Vegas, NV 89103 This is how Bitcoin will hit $1 million by 2030. THE MATH: The first thing we have to talk about is the actual math behind how much money moves the price of Bitcoin - because the logic a million dollar Bitcoin is flawed when we’re looking at market caps like I used to do. Here is the thing about market caps. The market cap is the total supply a coin multiplied by the current price and even though market caps are supposed to tell us how much money is in the asset in total - they don’t actually tell us that and it’s kind of confusing. For example Bitcoin has an 800 billion dollar market cap - it does not mean that 800 billion dollars worth is actually inside of Bitcoin. WHAT'S ACTUALLY A MARKET CAP: All a market cap is - is the estimate of how much value there is if you were to take a Bitcoin at $42,700 and sell all 19 million of them at that price, then it would imply - 800 billion but that is impossible because you can’t sell everything at one price - without drastically affecting it’s price on the way down. Therefore Bitcoin’s real value is not its price or market cap. HERE ARE 8 CATALYSTS THAT COULD MAKE A MILLION DOLLAR BITCOIN POSSIBLE: Watch the video to find out! *None of this is meant to be construed as investment advice, it's for entertainment purposes only. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I'm part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future.
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