![A new era of intelligence? $780M in BTC, $500M raised for crypto, Bitcoin for $33 ⚡️ Hamster News](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Xb7ZeZbdd80/hqdefault.jpg)
⚡️Hamster News⚡️ Hey Hamsters! 🐹 Telegram’s new, safer Search, one Bitcoin for $30, and half a billion dollars in capital in a few weeks — let’s see what’s popping in crypto. Telegram has taken steps to make its search safer with the help of AI. Telegram Search is meant for finding friends and discovering news, not for promoting illegal goods. Durov added that the messenger now will provide IP addresses and phones of the users who violate the rules to authorities. In the last several weeks VCs have raised over $500 million for crypto projects! And overall, they brought in over $2.2 billion “in new capital” year-to-date, as of August! Bhutan now has around $780 million dollars worth of the cryptocurrency, which makes it the 4th largest government to hold BTC. GameStop customer won an entire Bitcoin by buying a GameStop’s Currency Trading Card worth just $33. OpenAI founder, Sam Altman, says that “deep learning worked” and that the world will see the climate fixed, a space colony established, and even all of physics discovered in the next couple of decades, all thanks to this “algorithm.” That’s all for today! Subscribe and remember: Hamsters are power 💪 🚀 Watch every video closely to get clues that you can use later 🖇 Telegram to disclose phones, IP addresses at authorities' requests VCs raise over $500 million for crypto projects in recent weeks Bhutan has secretly mined Bitcoin in the Himalayas for years GameStop customer won 1 Bitcoin in $33 pack of trading cards Sam Altman predicts dawn of intelligence age with deep learning success #hamsterkombat #hamsternews #crypto #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency #cryptonews #cryptoupdates #telegram #telegramapp #messenger #messengerapp #paveldurov #durov #vcs #cryptoproject #cryptoprojects #bhutan #bitcoin #btc #stakingcrypto #gamestop #openai #ai #samaltman ——— TG — http://t.me/hamster_kombat PLAY — https://t.me/hamster_kOmbat_bot X — https://x.com/hamster_kombat 📍 For cooperation please contact pr@hamsterkombat.io
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