
How To Buy BTC With Bitcoin Well (Learn in only 10 mins!)

Bitcoin Well is one of the simplest and quickest ways to buy BTC and get it directly into your own wallet. This quick video walks you through the process. Sign up for Bitcoin Well: Head to BitcoinWell.com and use code BTCSESSIONS or simply use the link below. https://bitcoinwell.com/app/signup?referral=btcsessions RELEVANT LINKS Sparrow Wallet Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ_SpQX_YKw BOOK ME for private one-on-one sessions on my website! Learn self custody, hardware, multisig, lightning, privacy, running a node, and plenty more. https://www.btcsessions.ca/ 💪 SUPPORT THE SHOW: Coinkite offers the BEST Bitcoin hardware on the market. Use this link to get 5% off anything in their store: https://store.coinkite.com/promo/BTCSessions Nunchuk Wallet and their Honey Badger plan is a best in class assisted multisig setup with built-in inheritance planning and NO KYC. https://nunchuk.io/ SEEDOR is one of the most robust metal backups on the market today. Use this link for 5% off. https://www.seedor.io/discount/BTCSESSIONS?redirect=%2Fcollections%2Fprodukte For US based customers: https://www.seedor.io/btcsessions Canadian customers: https://link.thecryptoboutique.ca/BTCSessionsSeedor Start9 is your Bitcoin & lightning node, and full personal server - enabling you to take back control of your money and data! https://start9.com/ HodlHodl is a NON-CUSTODIAL, NON-KYC trading and lending platform. Sign up here: https://hodlhodl.com/join/BTCSESSION

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