
Crypto market cap 2015 - 2021 #crypto #statistics #data #graphics

The term cryptocurrency refers to a digital representation of value based on cryptography. It is an equal and decentralized digital resource. There are over 13,000 cryptocurrencies in the world. Cryptocurrencies use peer-to-peer (p2p) technologies on networks whose nodes are made up of users' computers, potentially located all over the globe. These computers run special programs that perform purse functions. There is currently no central authority controlling them. Transactions and release occur collectively over the network, so there is no "centralized" management. These properties, unique of their kind, cannot be explained by traditional payment systems. The market cap is calculated by multiplying their current price by how many units are in circulation. In this video we show you the most popular cryptocurrencies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Databoy$ wish you good vision, relax and enjoy the data! Support the channel with a like, comment and share with your friends. Thanks ;) ______________________________ Data source: -Coingecko https://www.coingecko.com/it ______________________________ #crypto #marketcap #bitcoin #value

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