
Non-KYC Bitcoin Direct To Your Trezor (Hodl Hodl Integration Tutorial)

This video is a walkthrough of using your Trezor and Trezor Suite to purchase Bitcoin peer-to-peer via HodlHodl, with no need for ID or other personal information. Get a Trezor: https://shop.trezor.io/product/trezor-model-t?offer_id=15&aff_id=1088 Sign up for HodlHodl https://hodlhodl.com/join/BTCSESSION RELEVANT TUTORIALS: Trezor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtlgE2Fx3m8 HodlHodl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmyYxrZM3Ms Start9 Embassy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKBJ3_3ZomU Umbrel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fa9AvF4jk1o Sparrow Whirlpool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TcUY2yU41w 💪 SUPPORT THE SHOW: Coinkite offers the BEST Bitcoin hardware on the market. Use this link to get 5% off anything in their store: https://store.coinkite.com/promo/BTCSessions Start9 is your Bitcoin & lightning node, and full personal server - enabling you to take back control from the gatekeepers of your money and data! Grab an Embassy today and become truly self-sovereign! https://start9.com/ HodlHodl is a NON-CUSTODIAL, NON-KYC solution to stack sats peer to peer! Buy and sell Bitcoin while maintaining privacy. Furthermore, you can check out their Lend platform for p2p loans that are never rehypothecated. Sign up and try it out today! https://hodlhodl.com/join/QUEM Shakepay is the easiest way to buy Bitcoin in Canada Sign up now and get $10 free after your first $100 purchase! https://shakepay.me/r/BTCSESSIONS ALSO search/subscribe to Shakepay on YouTube! BillFodl: get your wallet backups in solid steel. https://privacypros.io/btcsessions Bitrefill: use Bitcoin to purchase gift cards https://www.bitrefill.com/buy/?code=O04UMic9 Like what you see? Been watching for a while? Leave a BITCOIN TIP: https://strike.me/btcsessions

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