
How To Get A Bitcoin Mortgage 🏠 #shorts

Even if you are a bitcoin millionaire, banks won't count bitcoin towards your net worth. This can make it difficult to get a mortgage. Well now, there is a company offering a way for you to get a bitcoin mortgage. Anthony Pompliano breaks it down. Pomp writes a daily letter to over 200,000+ investors about business, technology, and finance. He breaks down complex topics into easy-to-understand language while sharing opinions on various aspects of each industry. You can subscribe at https://pomp.substack.com/ View open jobs in crypto: https://pompcryptojobs.com/ Enroll in my crypto academy: https://www.pompscryptocourse.com/ Follow Pomp on social media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/APompliano Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pompglobal/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonypompliano/ Website: https://anthonypompliano.com/ #AnthonyPompliano #Pomp #Bitcoin #Finance #Business #Crypto

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