Welcome to The Bitcoin Layer, where we bring you research, analysis, and education for all things bitcoin and macro. In this episode, Nik breaks down the correlation between bitcoin and the stock market, which are usually strongly correlated, but not when bitcoin goes on its signature bull runs! Watch to learn more. New YouTube videos every Tuesday and Thursday. New Substack posts every Wednesday and Friday. Thanks to our Sponsor! VOLTAGE: https://TheBitcoinLayer.com/voltage Subscribe and turn on notifications for TBL on YouTube. Subscribe to TBL on Substack: https://TheBitcoinLayer.substack.com Follow TBL on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheBitcoinLayer Follow TBL on LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/TheBitcoinLayer Follow TBL on Instagram: https://instagram.com/TheBitcoinLayer Follow TBL on TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@TheBitcoinLayer Use code TBLYT10 for 10% off all The Bitcoin Layer Merch at http://TheBitcoinLayer.com/merch Sign up for the free Monetary History course on Saylor Academy: http://sylr.org/MonetaryHistory Contribute to The Bitcoin Layer via Lightning Network: thebitcoinlayer@zbd.gg Nik Bhatia's Twitter: https://twitter.com/timevalueofbtc Research Associate Joe Consorti's Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoeConsorti Creative Director Matthew Ball's Twitter: https://twitter.com/matthewrball Block Height #TheBitcoinLayer #NikBhatia #Bitcoin #BTC #Stocks #S&P500 #Correlation #Market #Recession #Currency #Crypto #Macro #Analysis #Investment #News #Finance #Economics #Education
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